The world leading manufacturer of cooling-, heating and air conditioning solutions, with its HQ in the USA and European center in France. Carrier ‘s product portfolio includes all building air – conditioning products in the power range from 2kW to 3.5MW, which are deservedly world – famous for their technical standards and reliability.

Spanish company manufacturing and developing water-water and air-water heat pumps. The equipments they produce are the core elements of the small-scale industry and residential geothermal heat pump systems.

Ausztriai székhelyű gyártó, amely magas műszaki színvonalú lakossági hőszivattyú termékportfolióval rendelkezik. A berendezéseik a megbízhatóságukról és a rendkívül csendes működésükről híresek.

The Latvian manufacturer makes custom heat pumps and chillers for special tasks that can operate reliably down to -25 ° C.

The Italian manufacturer is known of its revolutionary space-saving, modular dry cooler equipment and air-cooled condensers.